Lincolnshire Cares held its Afternoon Tea in Caistor Town Hall for around 60 members on Sunday 16th June 2024.
Chair, Julia Whittaker, welcomed everyone to the party which was free to all who were able to attend. Lincolnshire Cares volunteers provided sandwiches and delicious scones and cakes were made by Kate Jacob. Local singer, Pete Gromshaw sang for the guests and this was greatly appreciated rounding off a very happy occasion.
The Charity is looking for new volunteers and if you feel that you could spare around 45 minutes a week to visit an elderly person and help to make a real difference to their day, or occasionally help with the coffee mornings please get in touch with Julia at
New members are welcomed to the Coffee mornings which are held at Drakes Court, Caistor from 10 – 11 on Mondays and South Kelsey Village Hall from 10 – 11 on Fridays.. All over 60s are welcome to attend these free events on a walk in basis, no prior arrangement required.